Fortunately, this difference can be resolved if we refer the question to both the Bible and the Quran, because, both the Bible and the Quran teach that Jesus is not God.
It is clear enough to everyone that the Quran denies the divinity of Jesus, so we do not need to spend much time explaining that.
On the other hand, many people misunderstand the Bible; they feel that the belief in Jesus as God is so widespread that it must have come from the Bible. This article shows quite conclusively that the Bible does not teach that.
The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is not God. In the Bible God is always someone else other than Jesus.
Some will say that something Jesus said or something he did while on the earth proves that he is God. We will show that the disciples never came to the conclusion that Jesus is God. And those are people who lived and walked with Jesus and thus knew first hand what he said and did. Furthermore, we are told in the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible that the disciples were being guided by the Holy Spirit.
If Jesus is God, surely they should have known it. But they did not. They kept worshipping the one true God who was worshipped by Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (see Acts 3:13).
All of the writers of the Bible believed that God was not Jesus. The idea that Jesus is God did not become part of Christian belief until after the Bible was written, and took many centuries to become part of the faith of Christians.
Matthew, Mark, and Luke, authors of the first three Gospels, believed that Jesus was not God (see Mark 10:18 and Matthew 19:17). They believed that he was the son of God in the sense of a righteous person. Many others too, are similarly called sons of God (see Matthew 23:1-9).
Paul, believed to be the author of some thirteen or fourteen letters in the Bible, also believed that Jesus is not God. For Paul, God first created Jesus, then used Jesus as the agent by which to create the rest of creation (see Colossians 1:15 and 1 Corinthians 8:6). Similar ideas are found in the letter to the Hebrews, and also in the Gospel and Letters of John composed some seventy years after Jesus. In all of these writings, however, Jesus is still a creature of God and is therefore forever subservient to God (see 1 Corinthians 15:28).
Now, because Paul, John, and the author of Hebrews believed that Jesus was God’s first creature, some of what they wrote clearly show that Jesus was a pre-existent powerful being. This is often misunderstood to mean that he must have been God. But to say that Jesus was God is to go against what these very authors wrote.
Although these authors had this later belief that Jesus is greater than all creatures, they also believed that he was still lesser than God. In fact, John quotes Jesus as saying: “...the Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28). And Paul declares that the head of every woman is her husband, the head of every man is Christ, and the head of Christ is God (see 1 Corinthians 11:3).
Therefore, to find something in these writings and claim that these teach that Jesus is God is to misuse and misquote what those authors are saying. What they wrote must be understood in the context of their belief that Jesus is a creature of God as they have already clearly said.
So we see then, that some of the later writers had a higher view of Jesus, but none of the writers of the Bible believed that Jesus is God. The Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God, the one whom Jesus worshipped (see John 17: 3).
In the rest of this article we will explore the Bible in more depth, and deal with the passages which are most often misquoted as proofs of Jesus’ divinity. We will show, with God’s help, that these do not mean what they are so often used to prove.
Evidence From the Acts of the Apostles:
Jesus performed many miraculous wonders, and he without doubt said a lot of wonderful things about himself. Some people use what he said and did as a proof that he was God. But his original disciples who lived and walked with him, and were eyewitnesses to what he said and did, never reached this conclusion.
The Acts of the Apostles in the Bible details the activity of the disciples over a period of thirty years after Jesus was lifted up to heaven. Throughout this period they never refer to Jesus as God. They continually and consistently use the title God to refer to someone else other than Jesus.
Peter stood up with the eleven disciples and addressed the crowd saying: “Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.” (Acts 2:22).
It was God, therefore, who did the miracles through Jesus to convince people that Jesus was backed by God. Peter did not see the miracles as proof that Jesus is God.
In fact, the way Peter refers to God and to Jesus makes it clear that Jesus is not God. For he always turns the title God away from Jesus. Take the following references for example:
“God has raised this Jesus...” (Acts 2:32)
“God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” (Acts 2:36)
In both passages, the title God is turned away from Jesus. So why he did this, if Jesus was God?
For Peter, Jesus was a servant of God. Peter said: “God raised up his servant...” (Acts 3:26). The title servant refers to Jesus. This is clear from a previous passage where Peter declared: “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus.” (Acts 3:13).
Peter must have known that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob never spoke of a Triune God. They always spoke of God as the only God. Here, as in Matthew 12:18, Jesus is the servant of God. Matthew tells us that Jesus was the same servant of God spoken of in Isaiah 42:1. So, according to Matthew and Peter, Jesus is not God, but God’s servant. The Old Testament repeatedly says that God is alone (e.g. Isaiah 45:5).
All of the disciples of Jesus held this view. In Acts 4:24 we are told that the believers prayed to God saying: “...they raised their voices together in prayer to God. ‘Sovereign Lord,’ they said, ‘you made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.’” It is clear that the one they were praying to was not Jesus, because, two verses later, they referred to Jesus as “...your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed.” (Acts 4:27).
If Jesus was God, his disciples should have said this clearly. Instead, they kept preaching that Jesus was God’s Christ. We are told in Acts: “Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.” (Acts 5:42).
The Greek word “Christ” is a human title. It means “Anointed.” If Jesus was God, why would the disciples continually refer to him with human titles like servant and Christ of God, and consistently use the title God for the one who raised Jesus? Did they fear men? No! They boldly preached the truth fearing neither imprisonment nor death. When they faced opposition from the authorities, Peter declared: “We must obey God rather than men! The God of our fathers raised Jesus...” (Acts 5:29-30).
Were they lacking the Holy Spirit? No! They were supported by the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2:3, 4:8, and 5:32). They were simply teaching what they had learnt from Jesus — that Jesus was not God but, rather, God’s servant and Christ.
The Quran confirms that Jesus was the Messiah (Christ), and that he was God’s servant (see the Holy Quran 3:45 and 19:30).
Jesus is Not All-Powerful, and Not All-Knowing:
Christians and Muslims agree that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. The Gospels show that Jesus was not all-powerful, and not all-knowing, since he had some limitations.
Mark tells us in his gospel that Jesus was unable to do any powerful work in his hometown except few things: “He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.” (Mark 6:5). Mark also tells us that when Jesus tried to heal a certain blind man, the man was not healed after the first attempt, and Jesus had to try a second time (see Mark 8:22-26).
Therefore, although we hold a great love and respect for Jesus, we need to understand that he is not the all-powerful God.
Mark’s Gospel also reveals that Jesus had limitations in his knowledge. In Mark 13:32, Jesus declared that he himself does not know when the last day will occur, but the Father alone knows that (see also Matthew 24:36).
Therefore, Jesus could not have been the all-knowing God. Some will say that Jesus knew when the last day will occur, but he chose not to tell. But that complicates matters further. Jesus could have said that he knows but he does not wish to tell. Instead, he said that he does not know. We must believe him. Jesus does not lie at all.
The Gospel of Luke also reveals that Jesus had limited knowledge. Luke says that Jesus increased in wisdom (Luke 2:52). In Hebrews too (Hebrews 5:8) we read that Jesus learned obedience. But God’s knowledge and wisdom is always perfect, and God does not learn new things. He knows everything always. So, if Jesus learned something new, that proves that he did not know everything before that, and thus he was not God.
Another example for the limited knowledge of Jesus is the fig tree episode in the Gospels. Mark tells us as follows: “The next day as they were leaving Bethany , Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs.” (Mark 11:12-13).
It is clear from these verses that the knowledge of Jesus was limited on two counts. First, he did not know that the tree had no fruit until he came to it. Second, he did not know that it was not the right season to expect figs on trees.
Can he become God later? No! Because there is only one God, and He is God from everlasting to everlasting (see Psalms 90:2).
Someone may say that Jesus was God but he took the form of a servant and therefore became limited. Well, that would mean that God changed. But God does not change. God said so according to Malachi 3:6.
Jesus never was God, and never will be. In the Bible, God declares: “Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.” (Isaiah 43:10).
The Bible clearly shows that Jesus was not all-powerful and all-knowing as the true God should be.
The Greatest Commandment in the Bible and the Quran:
Some will say that this whole discussion over the divinity of Jesus is unnecessary. They say, the important thing is to accept Jesus as your personal savior. On the contrary, the Bible’s writers stressed that, in order to be saved, it is necessary to understand who exactly is God. Failure to understand this would be to violate the first and greatest of all the commandments in the Bible. This commandment was emphasized by Jesus, on whom be peace, when a teacher of the Law of Moses asked him: “‘Of all the commandments, which is the most important?’ ‘The most important one,’ answered Jesus, ‘is this: Hear, O Israel , the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’” (Mark 12:28-30).
Notice that Jesus was quoting the first commandment from the book of Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Jesus confirmed not only that this commandment is still valid, but also that it is the most important of all the commandments. If Jesus thought that he himself is God, why did not he say so? Instead, he stressed that God is one. The man who questioned Jesus understood this, and what the man says next makes it clear that God is not Jesus, for he said to Jesus: “‘Well said, teacher,’ the man replied. ‘You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him.’” (Mark 12:32).
Now if Jesus was God, he would have told the man so. Instead, he let the man refer to God as someone other than Jesus, and he even saw that the man had spoken wisely: “When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God .’” (Mark 12:34). If Jesus knew that God is a trinity, why did not he say so? Why did he not say that God is one in three, or three in one? Instead, he declared that God is one. True imitators of Jesus will imitate him also in this declaration of God’s oneness. They will not add the word three where Jesus never said it.
Does salvation depend on this commandment? Yes, says the Bible! Jesus made this clear when another man approached Jesus to learn from him (see Mark 10:17-29). The man fell on his knees and said to Jesus: “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus replied: “Why do you call me good? No one is good — except God alone.” (Mark 10:17-18).
By so saying, Jesus made a clear distinction between himself and God. Then he proceeded with the answer to the man’s question about how to get salvation. Jesus told him: “If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.” (Matthew 19:17, also see Mark 10:19).
Remember that the most important of all the commandments, according to Jesus, is to know God as the only God. Jesus further emphasized this in the Gospel According to John. In John 17:1, Jesus lifted his eyes to heaven and prayed, addressing God as Father. Then in verse three, he said to God as follows: “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3).
This proves beyond doubt that if people want to get eternal life they must know that the One, whom Jesus was praying to, is the only true God, and they must know that Jesus was sent by the true God. Some say that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. But Jesus said that the Father alone is the only true God.
True followers of Jesus will follow him in this too. Jesus had said that his true followers are those who hold to his teachings. He said: “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” (John 8:31). His teaching is that people must continue to keep the commandments, especially the first commandment which emphasizes that God is alone, and that God should be loved with all our hearts and all our strengths.
We love Jesus, but we must not love him as God. Today many love Jesus more than they love God. This is because they see God as a vengeful person who wanted to exact a penalty from them, and they see Jesus as the savior who rescued them from the wrath of God. Yet God is our only savior. According to Isaiah 43:11, God said: “I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.” Also God said according to Isaiah 45:21-22: “Was it not I, the LORD? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me. Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.”
The Quran confirms the first commandment and addresses it to all humankind (see the Holy Quran 2:163). And God declares that true believers love Him more than anyone else or anything else (Quran 2:165).
Paul Believed That Jesus is not God:
Many people use Paul’s writings as proof that Jesus is God. But this is not fair to Paul, because Paul clearly believed that Jesus is not God. In his first letter to Timothy, Paul wrote: “I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions. ..” (1 Timothy 5:21).
It is clear from this that the title God applies not to Christ Jesus, but to someone else. In the following chapter, he again differentiates between God and Jesus when he says: “In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession.. .” (1 Timothy 6:13).
Paul then went on to speak of the second appearance of Jesus: “the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time.” (1 Timothy 6:14-15).
Again, the title God is deliberately turned away from Jesus. Incidentally, many people think that when Jesus is called “Lord” in the Bible that this means “God.” But in the Bible this title means master or teacher, and it can be used for addressing humans (see 1 Peter 3:6).
What is more important, however, is to notice what Paul said about God in the following passage, which clearly shows that Jesus is not God: “God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever.” (1 Timothy 6:15-16).
Paul said that God alone is immortal. Immortal means he does not die. Check any dictionary. Now, anyone who believes that Jesus died cannot believe that Jesus is God. Such a belief would contradict what Paul said here. Furthermore, to say that God died is a blasphemy against God. Who would run the world if God died? Paul believed that God does not die.
Paul also said in that passage that God dwells in unapproachable light — that no one has seen God or can see him. Paul knew that many thousands of people had seen Jesus. Yet Paul said that no one has seen God, because Paul was sure that Jesus is not God. This is why Paul went on teaching that Jesus was not God, but that he was the Christ (see Acts 9:22 and 18:5).
When he was in Athens , Paul spoke of God as “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands.” (Acts 17:24). Then he identified Jesus as “the man he (i.e. God) has appointed.” (Acts 17:31).
Clearly, for Paul, Jesus was not God, and he would be shocked to see his writings used for proving the opposite of what he believed. Paul even testified in court saying: “I admit that I worship the God of our fathers...” (Acts 24:14).
He also said that Jesus is the servant of that God, for we read in Acts: “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus.” (Acts 3:13).
For Paul, the Father alone is God. Paul said that there is “one God and Father of all...” (Ephesians 4:6). Paul said again: “...for us there is but one God, the Father . . . and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ...” (1 Corinthians 8:6).
Paul’s letter to the Philippians (Philippians 2:6-11) is often quoted as a proof that Jesus is God. But the very passage shows that Jesus is not God. This passage has to agree with Isaiah 45:22-24 where God said that every knee should bow to God, and every tongue should confess that righteousness and strength are in God alone. Paul was aware of this passage, for he quoted it in Romans 14:11. Knowing this, Paul declared: “I kneel before the Father.” (Ephesians 3:14).
The letter to the Hebrews (Hebrews 1:6) says that the angels of God should worship the Son. But this passage depends on Deuteronomy 32:43, in the Septuagint version of the Old Testament. This phrase cannot be found in the Old Testament used by Christians today, and the Septuagint version is no longer considered valid by Christians. However, even the Septuagint version, does not say worship the Son. It says let the Angels of God worship God. The Bible insists that God alone is to be worshipped: “When the LORD made a covenant with the Israelites, he commanded them: ‘Do not worship any other gods or bow down to them, serve them or sacrifice to them. But the LORD, who brought you up out of Egypt with mighty power and outstretched arm, is the one you must worship. To him you shall bow down and to him offer sacrifices. You must always be careful to keep the decrees and ordinances, the laws and commands he wrote for you. Do not worship other gods. Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods. Rather, worship the LORD your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.’” (2 Kings 17:35-39).
Jesus, on whom be peace, believed in this, for he also stressed it in Luke 4:8. And Jesus too fell on his face and worshipped God (see Matthew 26:39). Paul knew that Jesus worshipped God (see Hebrews 5:7). Paul taught that Jesus will remain forever subservient to God (see 1 Corinthians 15:28).
Evidence from the Gospel of John:
The Gospel of John, the fourth Gospel, was completed to its present form some seventy years after Jesus was raised up to heaven. This Gospel in its final form says one more thing about Jesus that was unknown from the previous three Gospels — that Jesus was the Word of God. John means that Jesus was God’s agent through whom God created everything else. This is often misunderstood to mean that Jesus was God Himself. But John was saying, as Paul had already said, that Jesus was God’s first creature. In the Book of Revelation in the Bible, we find that Jesus is: “the beginning of God’s creation” (Revelation 3:14, also see 1 Corinthians 8:6 and Colossians 1:15).
Anyone who says that the Word of God is a person distinct from God must also admit that the Word was created, for the Word speaks in the Bible saying: “The LORD brought me forth as the first of his works...” (Proverbs 8:22).
This Gospel, nevertheless, clearly teaches that Jesus is not God. If it did not continue this teaching, then it would contradict the other three Gospels and also the letters of Paul from which it is clearly established that Jesus is not God. We find here that Jesus was not co-equal with the Father, for Jesus said: “...the Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28).
People forget this and they say that Jesus is equal to the Father. Whom should we believe — Jesus or the people? Muslims and Christians agree that God is self-existent. This means that He does not derive his existence from anyone. Yet John tells us that Jesus’ existence is caused by the Father. Jesus said in this Gospel: “...I live because of the Father...” (John 6:57).
John tells us that Jesus cannot do anything by his own when he quotes Jesus as saying: “By myself I can do nothing...” (John 5:30). This agrees with what we learn about Jesus from other Gospels. In Mark, for example, we learn that Jesus performed miracles by a power which was not within his control. This is especially clear from an episode in which a woman is healed of her incurable bleeding. The woman came up behind him and touched his cloak, and she was immediately healed. But Jesus had no idea who touched him. Mark describes Jesus’ actions thus: “At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, ‘Who touched my clothes?’” (Mark 5:30). His disciples could not provide a satisfactory answer, so Mark tells us: “Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it.” (Mark 5:32). This shows that the power that healed the woman was not within Jesus’ control. He knew that the power had gone out of him, but he did not know where it went. Some other intelligent being had to guide that power to the woman who needed to be healed. God was that intelligent being.
It is no wonder, then, that in Acts of the Apostles we read that it was God who did the miracles through Jesus (Acts 2:22).
God did extraordinary miracles through others too, but that does not make the others God (see Acts 19:11). Why, then, is Jesus taken for God? Even when Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead, he had to ask God to do it. Lazarus’ sister, Martha, knew this, for she said to Jesus: “I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” (John 11:22).
Martha knew that Jesus was not God, and John who reported this with approval knew it also. Jesus had a God, for when he was about to ascend to heaven, he said: “I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (John 20:17).
John was sure that no one had seen God, although he knew that many people had seen Jesus (see John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12). In fact Jesus himself told the crowds, that they have never seen the Father, nor have they heard the Father’s voice (John 5:37). Notice that if Jesus was the Father, his statement here would be false. Who is the only God in John’s Gospel? The Father alone.
Jesus testified this when he declared that the God of the Jews is the Father (John 8:54). Jesus too confirmed that the Father alone is the only true God (see John 17:1-3). And Jesus said to his enemies: “ are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.” (John 8:40). According to John, therefore, Jesus was not God, and nothing John wrote should be taken as proof that he was God — unless one wishes to disagree with John.
God and Jesus Are Two Separate Beings:
Many people use certain verses of the Bible as proof that Jesus is God. However, all of these verses, when understood in context, prove the opposite!
For example, in Matthew 9:2, Jesus said to a certain man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.” Because of this, some say that Jesus must be God since only God can forgive sins. However, if you are willing to read just a few verses further, you will find that the people “...praised God, who had given such authority to men.” (Matthew 9:8). This shows that the people knew, and Matthew agrees, that Jesus is not the only man to receive such authority from God.
Jesus himself emphasized that he does not speak on his own authority (John 14:10) and he does nothing on his own authority, but he speaks only what the Father has taught him (John 8:28). What Jesus did here was as follows. Jesus announced to the man the knowledge Jesus received from God that God had forgiven the man.
Notice that Jesus did not say, “I forgive your sins,” but rather, “your sins are forgiven,” implying, as this would to his Jewish listeners, that God had forgiven the man. Jesus, then, did not have the power to forgive sins, and in that very episode he called himself “the Son of Man” (Matthew 9:6).
John 10:30 is often used as proof that Jesus is God because Jesus said, “I and the father are one.” But, if you read the next six verses, you will find Jesus explaining that his enemies were wrong to think that he was claiming to be God. What Jesus obviously means here is that he is one with the Father in purpose. Jesus also prayed that his disciples should be one just as Jesus and the Father are one. Obviously, he was not praying that all his disciples should somehow merge into one individual (see John 17:11 and 22). And when Luke reports that the disciples were all one, Luke does not mean that they became one single human being, but that they shared a common purpose although they were separate beings (see Acts 4:32). In terms of essence, Jesus and the Father are two, for Jesus said they are two witnesses (John 8:14-18). They have to be two, since one is greater than the other (see John 14:28). When Jesus prayed to be saved from the cross, he said: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42).
This shows that they had two separate wills, although Jesus submitted his will to the will of the Father. Two wills mean two separate individuals.
Furthermore, Jesus is reported to have said: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). If one of them forsook the other, then they must be two separate entities.
Again, Jesus is reported to have said: “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46). If the spirit of one can be placed into the hands of another, they must be two separate beings.
In all of these instances, Jesus is clearly subordinate to the Father. When Jesus knelt down and prayed he obviously was not praying to himself (see Luke 22:41). He was praying to his God.
Throughout the New Testament, the Father alone is called God. In fact, the titles “Father” and “God” are used to designate one individual, not three, and never Jesus. This is also clear from the fact that Matthew substituted the title “Father” in the place of the title “God” in at least two places in his Gospel (compare Matthew 10:29 with Luke 12:6, and Matthew 12:50 with Mark 3:35). If Matthew is right in doing so, then the Father alone is God.
Was Jesus the Father? No! Because Jesus said: “And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.” (Matthew 23:9). So Jesus is not the Father, since Jesus was standing on the earth when he said this.
The Quran seeks to bring people back to the true faith that was taught by Jesus, and by his true disciples who continued in his teaching. That teaching emphasized a continued commitment to the first commandment that God is alone. In the Quran, God directs Muslims to call readers of the Bible back to that true faith. God have said in the Quran:
Say: “O people of the Book (Christians and Jews)! Come to a word that is just between us and you: that we shall worship none but God, and that we shall associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords beside God.” (Quran, 3:64)
from email
by Habib Senturk,PhD | |
Environment is a broad concept that includes all elements necessary for life. As a term it can be described as "everything affecting human beings and everything affected by them" or "the sum of all conditions and factors affecting the life and development of an organism." There is guidance in both the Quran and the Prophet's sunnah regarding what needs to be done to protect the environment and precautions to be taken against things that will destroy the balance of the ecological system that exists in all life and things that will harm natural environmental elements like the air, water and earth which are necessary for man, animals and plants to live healthily. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) admonished against people being killed unjustly even in wars; the harming of unarmed women, children and the elderly and people performing worship; unnecessary damage to the natural environment; the killing of animals; the cutting down of fruit trees; and the burning of crops, in particular. The Prophet gave the necessary importance to cleanliness in the environment and he stated that it should begin with body cleanliness; that houses, streets, and public places like mosques should be kept clean; that water sources should not be polluted; that not only people, but animals should not be bothered by pollution and, for this reason, that humans should not use animal nests or holes as toilets. In addition, the Prophet also recommended and warned that shaded spots where people could rest as they came and went and spaces under fruit trees should not be dirtied and there should be no spitting on roads (Buhari, Salat 33-35); and objects that could injure people should be removed from the roads and put to one side (Muslim, Birr 131,132). All these are important in respect to a healthy environment and in respect to protecting and keeping the environment clean. Another environmental factor important to human life and ecological balance is the presence of green areas within, close to and outside of settlement areas. On this subject the Prophet's own applications, along with his commands and recommendations, are full of guidance. As a matter of fact, the Prophet said, "If someone plants a tree, he will receive merit as long as the tree bears fruit" (Ahmed b. Hanbel, Musned V/415). Animals are also an important element of the environment. The Prophet's attitude, behavior and recommendations on the subject of animals are striking. We can find necessary information in the Prophet's sunnah on such topics as being kind to animals, not loading them down with more than they can carry, using them for work that is suitable to their nature, and not tormenting or torturing them. In addition, according to the sunnah, only wild animals that pose a threat to a person can be killed. Coming to today, while modern technology makes life easier for man, on the one hand, it causes environmental problems, on the other hand. Included under the general title of environmental pollution are chemical pollution caused by industrial wastes, visual pollution caused by garbage and poor planning, noise pollution caused by unnecessary and unrestrained sounds, and thought pollution caused by unnecessary and disorganized information and ideas. In addition, there is the matter of waste of resources due to uncontrolled production and consumption. In respect to this it is possible to say: If you want to see the cultural level of a nation or society, it is sufficient to look at their public areas. |

Alam ini sangat berkait rapat dengan PenciptaNya iaitu Allah s.w.t. Setiap inci alam ini semuanya mempunyai keistimewaan dan peranannya tersendiri. Masing-masing saling bergantungan membentuk interaksi yang baik dan membina keseimbangan yang harmoni. Interaksi dan keseimbangan ini membentuk sistem yang sangat kompleks yang merangkumi manusia, haiwan, tumbuhan, cuaca, lautan dan daratan.
Dalam menguruskan dan mentadbir alam ciptaanNya, maka Allah telah menjadikan manusia di muka bumi sebagai khalifah. Firmannya :
“Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat: "Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi." Mereka berkata: "Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?" Tuhan berfirman: "Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui."
(al-Baqarah : 30)
Bagi memudahkan tugasan para utusanNya (nabi & rasul), Allah memberikan manual dan panduan iaitu Kita-kitabNya yang benar sebagai panduan mentadbir dan menguruskan alam ini. FirmanNya :
”Manusia itu adalah umat yang satu. (setelah timbul perselisihan), maka Allah mengutus para nabi, sebagai pemberi peringatan, dan Allah menurunkan bersama mereka Kitab yang benar, untuk memberi keputusan di antara manusia tentang perkara yang mereka perselisihkan. Tidaklah berselisih tentang Kitab itu melainkan orang yang telah didatangkan kepada mereka Kitab, yaitu setelah datang kepada mereka keterangan-keterangan yang nyata, karena dengki antara mereka sendiri. Maka Allah memberi petunjuk orang-orang yang beriman kepada kebenaran tentang hal yang mereka perselisihkann itu dengan kehendak-Nya. Dan Allah selalu memberi petunjuk orang yang dikehendaki-Nya kepada jalan yang lurus.”
(al-Baqarah : 213)
Islam adalah peraturan hidup yang terbaik dan kekal abadi yang boleh diberikan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan di akhirat. Inilah sebabnya Allah menjadikannya sebagai peraturan hidup yang mesti diterima oleh seluruh umat Islam dalam semua urusan mereka dan tidak boleh ditukar ganti dengan peraturan lain dan sistem lain dalam apa-apa keadaan sekalipun.
Allah berfirman :
”Di hari ini Aku menyempurnakan bagi kamu agama kamu dan Aku menyempurnakan ke atas kamu nikmatKu, dan Aku redha bagi kamu Islam sebagai Agama.”
(al-Maaidah : 3)
Konsep agama atau al-deen (istilah yang digunakan oleh Al-Quran) menurut Islam mencakupi semua bidang kehidupan. Islam bukan sekadar mengatur hubungan manusia dengan tuhan melalui upacara ritual tetapi merupakan manhaj al-hayah (sistem kehidupan) yang lengkap. Sebagai sebuah sistem kehidupan yang lengkap, Islam telah mengatur hubungan sesama manusia serta hubungan manusia dengan alam sekitar, selain daripada mengatur hubungan manusia dengan penciptanya. Sistem kehidupan Islam seperti yang termaktub di dalam Al-Quran adalah mencakupi semua aspek kehidupan manusia.

Selalu saja kita mendengar ungkapan kata ini, “Medan DAKWAH kita semakin LUAS”, terutamanya selepas PRU 12. Dan, ana suka mendengarnya. Berbondong-bondong masyarakat non-muslim mengisi borang pendaftaran sebagai ahli Kelab Penyokong PAS. Tua, muda, remaja, keluarga dan pelbagai lapisan masyarakat non-muslim, mula menyatakan sokongan kepada parti Islam ini. Secara telus mereka mengatakan, SAYA SUKA PAS.
Baru-baru ini, sewaktu ana hadir ke Muktamar Pas. Sempat ana berbual dengan seorang india, sambil berjalan bersamanya menuju ke Stadium Malawati.
”uncle pernah datang muktamar Pas ke sebelum ni?”
”dah isi borang kelab penyokong PAS?”
”sudah, saya ahli di Port Klang.”
”ada daftar jadi ahli PKR?tanya ana.
”tak, saya tak suka itu PKR, dioarang tidak solid, macam UMNO, lompat sana, lompat sini.” terang uncle Survil serius.
”ooo PAS bagus. Parti orang sembahyang. Dioarang ada prinsip.” tersenyum uncle survil menjawabnya.
Sememangnya medan dakwah kita ini LUAS. Dari dulu lagi sehinggalah sekarang. Ia sentiasa berkembang dan menunggu-nunggu orang mengambilnya. Cumanya, kita sahaja tidak mempedulikannya. Medan ini sudah tersedia lama disekeliling kita, cuma kita membutakan mata dan memandang ia adalah perkara yang remeh. Kita kurang mencuba untuk mengambilnya sebagai ruang & peluang yang baik untuk menyebarkan, menyampaikan dan mengembalikan masyarakat menghayati Islam.
Dakwah itu satu kewajipan? Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa tugasan dakwah itu adalah merupakan kewajipan yang mesti dibawa dan dilaksanakan oleh setiap muslim. Tidak kira dimana sahaja seorang muslim itu berada, tugas & tanggungjawab dakwah ini mesti dilakukannya . Banyak ayat al-quran & hadith yang menyentuh dan bertegas tentang kewajipan dakwah ini. Dakwah bukan hanya setakat kewajipan. Bahkan, dakwah itu adalah SATU KEPERLUAN.
Begitulah perumpamaan ringkas yang boleh dikaitkan dengan dakwah ini. Dakwah itu WAJIB. Namun berapa ramai yang merasakan bahawa mereka PERLU berdakwah. Apa PERLUnya mereka berdakwah. Fikirkanlah..
Posted By Leonard On January 26, 2009 @ 1:12 pm In Art & Culture 藝術與文化, Bahasa, English, Ethnicity 種族, Feature, Human Rights 人權, Indonesia 印尼, Politics 政治, Religion 宗教 |
印尼首都雅加達(Jakarta)慶祝中國舊曆新年一景,照片來自[1] DMahendra
過去曾有三十多年,印尼裔華人無法展現自身文化,由於獨裁前總統蘇哈托([2] Suharto)實施「新秩序」,使用漢字與華文皆屬非法,此後印尼境內便看不到舊曆新年相關活動,當時若違法會面臨嚴重後果,包括囚入大牢或「非自願性失蹤」。
拜前總統瓦希德([3] Abdurrahman Wahid)於2000年廢除對華裔及少數族群歧視政策之賜,印尼華人如今可公開呈現文化特質,瓦希德與繼任總統的梅嘉娃蒂([4] Magawati Soekarnoputri)更將舊曆新年列為國定假日,今日印尼各族裔民眾都能參與這個節慶。
但仍有些宗教團體堅稱,穆斯林應禁止祝福他人「中國新年快樂」,更不得參與慶祝活動,他們對聖誕節看法亦然。對於這類看法,馬來亞大學伊斯蘭研究學院的馬來西亞學生[5] Mohd Yusri Hafiz Yusof呼籲:
校對:[6] nairobi
Article printed from Global Voices 繁體中文:
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URLs in this post:
[1] DMahendra:
[2] Suharto:
[3] Abdurrahman Wahid:
[4] Magawati Soekarnoputri:
[5] Mohd Yusri Hafiz Yusof:
[6] nairobi:使用者:Nairobi
聂阿兹对这两项课题都持反对意见,并要求哈迪遵守该党在去年的代表大会上所达致的议决案,即留在民联强化与盟党的合作。 主张这个立场的就被称为“埃尔多安集团”,包括胡桑慕沙。
Suasana 1
Selepas solat zohor di surau Pak Da, aku duduk di tepi ruang serambi surau sambil-sambil mendengar perbualan beberapa jemaah surau lain berbual. Sudah lama aku tidak mendengar suara mereka. Agak-agaknya sudah 3 bulan, aku tidak pulang ke kampungku.
”kita nok semayang ni kena pilih imam. Buat apa semayang belakang imam hok sokong orang yang nok lawan Islam.”
”kita dok bleh semayang belakang imam UMNO, klau semayang jugak, macam ada najis di kaki imam tu. Semayang mana sah.” bersungguh-sungguh pakcik tu luahkan rasa geramnya.
”dok soh (tak payah) gi lah semayang di masjid nun, imam bapok kepala (orang kuat ) UMNO..!!” tambah lagi seorang pakcik lain, menyokong.
Aku hanya mendengar tanpa sebarang kata.
Seorang pakcik menyentuh soal perkahwinan. ”si pulan tu, Dia Pas, laki (suami)dia UMNO. Dia kena cerai denga laki dia. Mana bleh kahwin dengan orang hok duk sokong pemimpin hok lawan Islam.”
”mana hok duk sokong pemimpin lawan Islam ni, dok jelas aqidoh dia. Bleh jadi kafir.” celah pakcik di depan ku.
Suasana 2
Aku telah diamanahkan untuk memegang bahagian dakwah PMIUM. Kesempatan aku pulang ke Terengganu ni, aku pergi menadah sedikit ilmu di rumah ustaz di kampung Rusila. Ilmu tentang dakwah Islam. Hanya untuk sedikit perkongsian minda untuk memikul amanah yang bakal aku kemudikan. Kami menggunakan sebuah kitab karangan ulama kontemporari, Yusof Al-Qardawi, ”Pengucapan Awam”.
Dalam ulasan tentang buku ini, ustaz banyak mngaitkan dengan perkara yang berlaku di dalam masyarakat melayu Terengganu dulu-dulu dan ada juga zaman akhir-akhir ini. Banyak perkara yang mengejutkan aku..
”dulu, masa ustaz kecik-kecik. Orang PAS tak bleh kahwin dengan orang UMNO. Kalau akad nikah dengan imam UMNO, akad nikah tu tak sah. Jadi, kena akad nikah balik dengan imam PAS baru sah.” jelas ustaz.
”sampai macam tu sekali ker ustaz.” tanya ku.
”Bukan setakat tu saje, dulu kalau hari raya haji, daging korban yang UMNO punya tak bleh makan. Haram. ”
Terkejut aku mendengarnya.
”kalau dapat daging korban daripada UMNO, ayah ustaz buang daging tu. Tak sah sembelihannya.” jelas ustaz lagi.
Ustaz sebut, ”kita ni dulu memahami Islam dengan pemahaman yang cetek, maklumlah orang kampung. Terlalu taksub pada parti, sampai sanggup ketepikan nilai-nilai Islam.”
Suasana 3
PAS pada tahun 1999 telah berjaya menguasai Terengganu dalam pilihanraya umum. Aku cukup gembira, walau pun kurang mengerti erti kemenangan itu. Apabila PAS menang di Terengganu, masjid-masjid daerah / negeri makin ramai jemaahnya. Kalau dulu semasa pemerintahan UMNO hanya tinggal separuh saff saja solat fadhu, kini bertambah 3 hingga 4 saff lagi. Satu perubahan yang menarik.
Namun, apabila PAS kalah dalam pilihanraya 2004, masjid-masjid itu kembali menyusut jemaahnya. Ramai yang telah kembali solat di surau-surau & masjid kampung. Maka masjid-masjid dibawah jabatan agama terengganu ni kembali sunyi. Hanya orang-orang UMNO, yang tua-tua sahaja yang tinggal.
Apabila dikenangkan balik apa berlaku, aku rasa cukup sedih. Walaupun suasana-suasana di atas semakin berkurangan, namun ia masih ada lagi hingga kini. Kita selalu mengecilkan skop pemahaman Islam kita, kerana kita tidak mahu meluaskan dan memahami erti menjadi seorang muslim dalam makna yang sebenarnya. Malah, kitalah sendiri yang menyempitkannya.
Oranng UMNO adalah madhu kita. Kita perlu dekati mereka. Kalau tidak kita yang memulakan dulu langkah ini, maka peluang untuk memberikan pemahaman islam yang jelas pada mereka semakin lama, semakin tertutup.
Aku masih teringat kata-kata ustaz, ”dalam dakwah, Yusof al-Qordawi ada menyebut bahawa, orang Yahudi yang berada di negara lain (bukan di palastin) adalah sasaran dakwah kita.” Jika oarang Yahudi pun adalah madhu kita, apatah lagi orang-orang UMNO yang beragama Islam.
Ntah lah macamana lagi nak aku terangkan, korang paham-paham lah sendiri.

::artikal 1 : Ustaz.. saya suka Islam ::
::artikal 2 : Email daripada Meng ::
“macam mana mak Ifti sekarang, dia sihat?” tanyaku.
”dia sihat..” balas Ifti.
”mak Ifti dah tau ke, Ifti minat Islam?”
”Dia tahu, Ifti beritahu pada dia.., mak sebenarnya faham Islam. Dia pesan kat Ifti, kalau sudah menjadi orang Islam, mesti pakai tudung dan jaga agama Islam,” terang Ifti padaku.
...sambungnya agi... ”mak kata, kalau sudah ada anak nanti, anak tu kena pakai tudung. Bila balik ke Beijing, jangan hantar anak ke sekolah biasa, nanti orang pandang rendah. Mak Ifti tak nak lukakan hati anak. Mak pesan supaya kumpulkan duit, hantar anak ke sekolah International di China agar anak tak dipandang rendah” ..
”baguslah macam tu Ifti..” aku mencelah.
“ustaz, Ifti akan kumpulkan duit untuk sekolahkan anak nanti di International school. Ifti akan cuba usaha..!” kata Ifti dengan penuh semangat.
Hampir 16 minit aku berbual dengan Ifti, yang kini berada di Beijing. Terasa panas telinga kiriku. Katanya, Insyallah bulan Ogos nanti akan sambung pengajiannya dalam bidang Pengajian Melayu & agama Islam di Amerika.
Aku cukup kagum dengan Ifti, barangkali aku masih jauh menandinginya. Hatinya makin terikat dengan Islam, teronta-ronta ingin menikmati kemanisan Islam.
”Ustaz, Ifti masih ada kepercayaan Islam dan Ifti nak belajar banyak lagi tentang Islam.”
”di sini (Beijing), memang ada orang Islam, tapi Ifti lebih sukakan suasana islam di Malaysia. Di sini ada restoran halal, tapi ada jual arak. Sebab nak tarik pelanggan bukan Islam. Ifti rasa ini tidak betul, mana boleh restoran Islam jual arak, ustaz. ” luah Ifti..
”betul tu Ifti, di dalam Al-Quran & Rasulullah pun ada bagi tahu, sesiapa yang terlibat dengan arak, tak kira minum atau tidak, dia dikira berdosa juga.” jelas aku.
”kalau di sini, perempuan pakai tudung dengan cara yang tidak betul, ustaz. Dia pakai tudung nampak telinga. ” terang Ifti perlahan-lahan dengan nada yang agak kecewa.
”bagus juga Ifti ni, dah banyak tau tentang islam ni” bisik aku. Aku tersenyum di sebalik hanphoneku. Hatiku syukur pada Allah kerana masih istiqomahkan Ifti untuk kenali Islam. Allah masih lagi membuka ruang & peluang pada hatnya untuk hayati Islam.
Aku pernah mendoakan dalam solat hajatku, agar Allah Istiqomahkan Ifti untuk memeluk Islam. Walaupun di mana pun dia berada. Walaupun aku tidak dapat berhubung dengannya. Aku serahkan segalanya pada Allah. Kerana hati manusia adalah milikNya. Dia yang memberikan hidayah & Dia juga yang membalikkan hati manusia.
”Ya Allah, syukran ya Allah..”
Terdapat 3 situasi :
- Situasi pertama : aurat lelaki bersama lelaki
- Antara pusat hingga lutut dengan syarat aman daripada fitnah.
- Sabda baginda bermaksud: “Seorang lelaki dilarang melihat aurat lelaki lain dan juga seorang wanita dilarang melihat aurat seorang wanita lain.”
- Situasi kedua : aurat lelaki bersama Mahra
- Antara pusat hingga lutut dengan syarat aman daripada fitnah.
- Sekiranya mereka termasuk dalam golongan orang yang seperti bapa, adik beradik kandung, bapa saudaranya dan lain-lainnya maka aurat yang mesti ditutupi ialah bahagian anggota yang terletak antara pusat dan lututnya.
- Situasi ketiga : aurat lelaki bersama wanita ajnabi
- Antara pusat hingga lutut dengan syarat aman daripada fitnah.
- Manakala dalam kitab Hidayah al-Sibyan Fi Ma’rifah al-Islam Wa al-Iman mengatakan auratnya seluruh tubuhnya”
- iaitu tidak harus bagi seorang wanita melihat kepada seorang lelaki yang bukan mahramnya sama seperti tidak diharuskan seseorang lelaki itu melihatnya.
- Tetapi jika lelaki itu suaminya, maka tidak timbul masalah aurat di antara keduanya, malah tidak ada apa yang dinamakan aurat di antara mereka.
“Dan mereka yang menjaga kehormatannya, kecuali isteri-isteri mereka atau hamba sahaya mereka, maka sesungguhnya mereka tidak tercela.”
1. 證言
2. 祈禱
3. 天課
4. 齋戒
5. 朝覲
1. 信真主
2. 信天使
3. 信經典
4. 信先知
5. 信後世
6. 信前定
Sepasang suami isteri - seperti pasangan lain di kota-kota besar -meninggalkan anak-anak diasuh pembantu rumah semasa keluar bekerja. Anak tunggal pasangan ini, perempuan berusia tiga setengah tahun. Bersendirian di rumah dia kerap dibiarkan pembantunya yang sibukbekerja bermain diluar, tetapi pintu pagar tetap dikunci.
Bermainlah dia sama ada berbuai-buai di atas buaian yang dibeli bapanya, ataupunmemetik bunga raya, bunga kertas dan lain-lain di laman rumahnya. Suatu hari dia terjumpa sebatang paku karat. Dia pun melakar simen tempat letak kereta ayahnya tetapi kerana diperbuat daripada marmar,lakaran tidak kelihatan. Dicubanya pada kereta baru ayahnya.
Ya...kerana kereta itu bewarna gelap, lakarannya jelas.Apa lagi kanak-kanak ini punmelakarlah melahirkan kreativitinya. Hari itu bapa dan ibunyabermotosikal ke tempat kerja kerana laluannya sesak sempena perayaan Thaipusam.Penuh sebelah kanan dia beredar ke sebelah kiri kereta. Dilakarnya gambar ibu dan ayahnya, gambarnya sendiri, lukisan ayam, kucing dan sebagainya mengikut imaginasinya. Kejadian itu langsung tak disedari si pembantu rumah.
Pulang petang itu, terkejut badaklah pasangan itu melihat kereta yang baru setahun dibeli dengan bayaran ansuran, berbatik-batik. Si bapa yang belum pun masuk ke rumah terus menjerit, "Siapa punya kerja ni?" Pembantu rumah yang tersentak dengan jeritan itu berlari keluar. Dia juga beristighfar. Mukanya merah padam ketakutan tambah-tambah melihat wajah bengis tuannya. Sekali lagi diajukan pertanyaan keras kepadanya, dia terusmengatakan "Tak tahu... !" "Duduk di rumah sepanjang hari tak tahu, apa kaubuat?" herdik si isteri lagi.
Si anak yang mendengar suara ayahnya, tiba-tiba berlari keluardari bilik. Dengan penuh manja dia berkata "Ita buat ayahhh.. cantik kan!"katanya menerkam ayahnya ingin bermanja seperti selalu. Si ayah yanghilang sabar merentap ranting kecil pokok bunga raya di depannya, terus dipukul bertalu-talu tapak tangan anaknya. Si anak yang tak mengerti apa-apa terlolong-lolong kesakitan sekaligus ketakutan. Puas memukul tapak tangan, si ayah memukul pula belakang tangan anaknya. Si ibu cuma mendiamkan diri, mungkin setuju dan berasa puas dengan hukuman yang dikenakan.Pembantu rumah melopong, tak tahu nak buat apa-apa. Si bapa cukup rakus memukul-mukul tangan kanan dan kemudian tangan kiri anaknya.
Selepas si bapa masuk ke rumah dituruti si ibu, pembantu rumah menggendong anak kecil itu, membawanya ke bilik. Dilihatnya tapak tangan dan belakang tangan si anak kecil calar balar.Pembantu rumah memandikan anak kecil itu. Sambil menyiram air sambil dia menangis. Anak kecil itu pula terjerit-jerit menahan kepedihan sebaik calar-balar itu terkena air. Si pembantu rumah kemudian menidurkan anak kecil itu. Si bapa sengaja membiarkan anak itu tidur bersamapembantu rumah. Keesokkan harinya, kedua-dua belah tangan si anak bengkak. Pembanturumah mengadu. "Sapukan minyak gamat tu!" balas tuannya, bapa sianak. Pulang dari kerja, dia tidak melayan anak kecil itu yang menghabiskan masa di bilik pembantu. Si bapa konon mahu mengajar anaknya.
Tiga hari berlalu, si ayah langsung tidak menjenguk anaknya sementara si ibu juga begitu tetapi setiap hari bertanya kepada pembantu rumah."Ita demam... " jawap pembantunya ringkas. "Bagi minum panadol tu," balas si ibu.Sebelum si ibu masuk bilik tidur dia menjenguk bilik pembantunya. Apabila dilihat anaknya Ita dalam pelukan pembantu rumah, dia menutup semula pintu. Masuk hari keempat, pembantu rumah memberitahu tuannya bahawa suhu badan Ita terlalu panas. "Petang nanti kita bawa ke klinik. Pukul 5.00 siap" kata majikannya itu. Sampai waktunya si anak yang longlai dibawa ke klinik. Doktor mengarahnya ia dirujuk ke hospital kerana keadaannya serius.Setelah seminggu di wad pediatrik doktor memanggil bapa dan ibu kanak-kanak itu."Tiada pilihan.." katanya yang mencadangkan agar kedua-dua tangan kanak-kanak itu dipotong kerana gangren yang terjadi sudah terlalu teruk. "Ia sudah bernanah, demi nyawanya tangan perlu dipotong dari siku ke bawah" kata doktor.
Si bapa dan ibu bagaikan terkena halilintar mendengar kata-kata itu.Terasa diri tunggang terbalik, tapi apalah dapat dikatakan. Si ibu meraung merangkul si anak. Dengan berat hati dan lelehan air mata isterinya, si bapa terketar-ketar menandatangani surat kebenaran pembedahan. Keluar dari bilik pembedahan, selepas ubat bius yang dikenakan habis, si anak menangis kesakitan. Dia juga terpinga-pinga melihat kedua-dua tangannya berbalut putih. Direnung muka ayah dan ibunya. Kemudian ke wajah pembantu rumah. Dia mengerutkan dahi melihat mereka semua menangis.
Dalam seksaan menahan sakit, si anak yang keletah bersuara dalam linangan air mata. "Abah.. Mama... Ita tak buat lagi. Ita tak mau ayah pukul. Ita tak mau jahat. Ita sayang abah.. sayang mama." katanya berulang kalimembuatkan si ibu gagal menahan rasa. "Ita juga sayang Kak Narti.." katanya memandang wajah pembantu rumah, sekaligus membuatkan gadis dari Surabaya itu meraung sepertihisteria. "Abah.. bagilah balik tangan Ita. Buat apa ambil.. Ita janji tak buat lagi! Ita nak makan macam mana? Nak main macam mana? Ita janji tak conteng kereta lagi," katanya bertalu-talu. Bagaikan gugur jantung si ibu mendengar kata-kata anaknya.Meraung dia sekuat hati namun takdir yang sudah terjadi, tiada manusia dapat menahannya.
sumber : UKP
Oleh sebab itu, seluruh yang wujud di dalam alam semesta ini adalah kepunyaan Allah secara mutlak. Firman Allah :
Kepunyaan Allahlah segala yang ada di langit dan segala yang ada di bumi. Dan sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha kaya lagi Maha Terpuji.
Sekiranya terdapat di kalangan makhluk termasuklah manusia berlagak seperti Allah (sebagai Tuhan), pastilah berlaku kerosakan ke atas alam semesta. Perkara ini digambarkan oleh Allah di dalam Kalam-Nya :
Maksudnya :
Sekiranya ada di langit dan di bumi tuhan-tuhan selain Allah, tentulah keduanya telah rosak binasa. Maka Maha suci Allah, yang mempunyai A’rasy daripada apa yang mereka sifatkan.
Prinsip Tauhid juga menekankan kepercayaan terhadap sifat-sifat Allah yang Maha sempurna serta nama-namanya yang Maha Terpuji. Seluruh yang berlaku di dalam alam semesta ini tidak terlepas daripada pengawasan Allah yang memiliki segala sifat kesempurnaan. Penganut-penganut Islam telah ditanam dengan keyakinan bahawa Allah maha berkuasa untuk memberi pembalasan baik dan pembalasan buruk terhadap seluruh perlakuan makhluk khususnya manusia di atas muka bumi ini. Menyedari hakikat tersebut, manusia mestilah berhati-hati di dalam melakukan tindakan semasa menjalani kehidupan di dunia, kerana semua tindakannya pasti diketahui oleh Allah serta dibalas dengan balasan yang setimpal.
Menurut Islam, penciptaan alam semesta ini bukanlah untuk perkara yang sia-sia, sebaliknya mempunyai beberapa tujuan yang tertentu. Di dalam Al-Quran telah diterangkan tentang beberapa tujuan mengapakah alam semesta diciptakan:
a. Penciptaan alam semesta ini adalah sebagai bukti tentang kewujudan Allah.
Maksudnya :
”katakanlah, siapakah yang memberikan rezeki kepadamu di langit dan di bumi, atau siapakah yang berkuasa (menciptakan) pendengaran dan penglihatan, siapakah yang mengeluarkan yang hidup dari yang mati, dan mengeluarkan yang mati dari yang hidup, dan siapakah yang mengaturkan segala urusan? Maka mereka akan menjawab, ”Allah”. Maka katakanlah, mengapa kamu tidak bertaqwa (kepadaNya).”
Kewujudan Allah dapat dibuktikan melalui penjelasan Al-Quran yang merupakan bukti-bukti yang boleh dibaca (ayat al-maqruah), serta kejadian alam semesta yang merupakan bukti-bukti yang dapat dilihat (ayat al-manzurah). Menurut aqidah Islam, kewujudan Allah adalah kewujudan yang mutlak, manakala kewujudan alam semesta pula adalah tertakluk kepada kehendak Allah.
b. Penciptaan alam semesta adalah sebagai sumber perantaraan kepada manusia untuk memperolehi ilmu daripada Allah .
Berhubung dengan perkara ini, Osman Bakar telah menerangkan sebagaimana berikut :
Nature is a source of many types of knowledge: mathematical, physical and metaphysical, scientific and spiritual, qualitative and quantitative, practical and aesthetical.
Kejadian alam semesta adalah ibarat ‘makmal terbuka’ untuk diselidiki dan difikirkan oleh manusia, sesuai dengan peranannya sebagai makhluk yang telah diamanahkan untuk memakmurkan alam. Di dalam sebuah Hadis Rasulullah saw telah bersabda yang bermaksud:
“Berfikirlah kamu tentang kejadian Allah (alam semesta) dan jangan kamu berfikir tentang zat Allah kerana kamu tidak akan mengetahui hakikat sebenarnya”.
Pengetahuan yang dikurniakan oleh Allah tentang alam semesta ini telah mengangkat martabat manusia lebih tinggi daripada makhluk-makhluk yang lain .
c. Penciptaan alam semesta ini adalah satu kurniaan kepada manusia untuk dipergunakan bagi memperolehi keperluan hidup mereka. zBagaimanapun, manusia mesti menyedari bahawa alam semesta ini adalah milik Allah, justeru mereka tidak dibenarkan sama sekali memusnahkannya.
d. Penciptaan alam semesta juga adalah untuk memudahkan manusia melakukan pengabdian kepada Allah. Sebagai contoh, Allah menurunkan air supaya dapat digunakan oleh manusia untuk bersuci dalam proses melakukan ibadat kepadanya. Di samping memberi kemudahan kepada manusia untuk beribadat, seluruh alam semesta sendiri turut beribadat dengan berzikir memuji Allah .
e. Penciptaan alam semesta adalah untuk menilai siapakah di kalangan manusia yang paling baik amalannya. Hakikatnya, kewujudan alam semesta ini adalah satu ruang kepada manusia untuk melakukan amal kebaikan sesama makhluk. Perjalanan alam semesta ini adalah menurut peraturan yang telah ditentukan oleh penciptanya (Allah).
Peraturan alam semesta ini disebut sebagai sunnatullah. Seluruh alam semesta kecuali manusia tiada mempunyai pilihan selain tunduk kepada peraturan yang telah ditetapkan. Bagi manusia pula, mereka telah diberi pilihan untuk tunduk atau engkar terhadap peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Allah. Sekiranya manusia tunduk kepada peraturan Allah, mereka pasti akan menjalani kehidupan yang harmoni bersama alam semesta yang lain dan demikianlah pula sebaliknya.
Bagi memastikan manusia membuat pilihan yang tepat, Allah telah mengurniakan manusia hikmah (kebijaksanaan) malah mengutuskan para Rasul untuk membawa petunjuk. Berbeza dengan pandangan kumpulan naturalist, Islam melihat alam semesta ini tidak mempunyai sifat-sifat ketuhanan. Meskipun demikian, alam semesta ini mempunyai sifat-sifat yang tertentu iaitu :
a. Mizan (seimbang)
Keseluruhan yang wujud dalam alam semesta ini sama ada yang diketahui ataupun tidak diketahui wujud secara berpasangan, iaitu mempunyai dua entiti atau polariti yang saling bertentangan sifatnya . Kewujudan pasangan-pasangan ini pula adalah dalam keadaan yang saling lengkap-melengkapi di antara satu sama lain. Sifat kesimetrian (mizan) yang wujud di antara pasangan-pasangan ini adalah penting bagi menyempurnakan peredaran sistem alam semesta. Jadi, manusia mestilah memahami bahawa komponen-komponen alam semesta ini bukanlah berfungsi secara bersendirian atau terpisah.
b. Tawazun (keseimbangan)
Kesimetrian yang wujud di dalam alam semesta akan membentuk tawazun (keseimbangan), iaitu sesuatu fenomena yang tidak melampau. Keseimbangan yang wujud menyebabkan seluruh alam semesta berada dalam keadaan yang harmoni. Keadaan ini terus berkekalan sehingga tercetusnya gangguan yang selalunya dilakukan oleh manusia. Peraturan-peraturan yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah adalah untuk menghalang tercetusnya gangguan terhadap keseimbangan alam semesta.
c. Nasim (segar)
Seluruh alam semesta ini juga mempunyai sifat nasim (segar) sebagai lambang rahmat Allah kepada kehidupan. Di dalam Al-Quran terdapat beberapa ayat yang menyatakan bagaimana Allah melimpahkan rahmatnya kepada kehidupan melalui tiupan angin dan penurunan hujan . Sifat kesegaran itu turut digambarkan oleh Al-Quran melalui penjelasan tentang kesuburan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang mempunyai kepelbagaian jenis dan sifat. Lebih daripada itu, Al-Quran juga turut menampilkan suasana kehijauan yang merupakan simbol kesegaran kepada para pencinta alam sekitar masa kini. Berkaitan dengan sifat nasim, alam semesta ini juga mempunyai sifat soleh (baik) dan hasan (elok).
d. Jamal (indah)
Allah juga telah menciptakan seluruh alam semesta ini mempunyai sifat jamal (indah). Di dalam Al-Quran disebutkan bahawa kejadian tumbuh-tumbuhan serta haiwan-haiwan mewujudkan pemandangan yang indah kepada manusia Keindahan kejadian alam semesta ini juga merupakan zinah (perhiasan) yang menimbulkan ketenangan kepada manusia. Sifat keindahan mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan kejadian alam semesta yang penuh dengan kerapian (qadaran maqdura). Semua sifat-sifat alam semesta yang dikemukakan adalah lambang kepada kebijaksanaan Allah yang telah menciptakannya.
Bagaimanapun alam semesta ini terbuka (taskhir) untuk menerima sebarang perubahan yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Potensi yang dikurniakan oleh Allah kepada manusia itu bukanlah untuk manusia bertindak sewenang-wenangnya sebaliknya merupakan kelengkapan untuk mereka memikul tanggungjawab di dalam kehidupan. Bagi memahami peranan manusia terhadap alam sekitar, Sayyed Hossien Nasr telah menggariskan tiga tanggungjawab dalam kehidupan manusia iaitu tanggungjawab u’budiyyah, khalifah dan amanah.
a. Tanggungjawab U’budiyyah
Manusia diciptakan oleh Allah untuk melakukan pengabdian terhadapnya. Pengabdian yang dimaksudkan ialah dengan menuruti segala perintahnya dan meninggalkan segala larangannya. Oleh sebab itu, mereka tidak boleh bertindak sewenang-wenangnya terhadap alam sekitar melainkan menuruti peraturan-peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh penciptanya (Allah).
b. Tanggungjawab Khalifah
Manusia telah dipilih oleh Allah S.W.T. untuk menjadi khalifah di bumi ini. Allah S.W.T. berfirman:
Maksudnya :
”Sesungguhnya Aku akan menjadikan seorang khalifah di atas
Sebagai khalifah manusia telah diberi amanah dengan tugas yang mulia tetapi amat mencabar iaitu menguruskan dan menegakkan keamanan dan keadilan (order) di bumi. Dia harus berhati-hati dan berwaspada semasa membuat perancangan dan menjalankan pembangunan sumber-sumber alam agar tidak terjerumus menjadi golongan pemboros yang dibenci oleh Allah S.W.T. Allah S.W.T. berfirman:
Maksudnya :
”Sesungguhnya orang-orang membazir itu adalah saudara syaitan”
Manusia juga telah diberikan peranan sebagai khalifah di atas muka bumi yang bertanggungjawab untuk memakmur dan menguruskannya. Mereka bukanlah penguasa (pemilik) muka bumi sehingga boleh membuat sebarang tindakan mengikut kehendak sendiri. Manusia juga ditegah dengan sekeras-kerasnya oleh Allah daripada melakukan sebarang kerosakan terhadap alam sekitar.
Walaupun manusia telah diberi mandat untuk memakmur dunia ini dan mengambil manfaat daripada sumber-sumber alamnya, dia tidak akan mengkhianati amanah tersebut. Pengurusan sumber alam yang bijak dan teratur akan dilaksanakan dan segala langkah-langkah akan diambil untuk mempastikan sumber- sumber ini tidak akan disalah gunakan hanya untuk mendapatkan habuan ekonomi jangkamasa pendek. Dunia dan segala isinya adalah milik semua penghuni dunia merangkumi generasi sekarang dan akan datang. Khalifah akan memegang teguh prinsip bahawa tidak ada toleransi dalam penyalahgunaan kuasa dalam pengurusan sumber alam yang mengakibatkan kerosakan dan kemusnahan. Allah S.W.T. berfirman:
maksudnya : ”jangan kamu melakukan kerosakan di bumi”
c. Tanggungjawab Amanah
Sungguhpun alam semesta ini adalah milik mutlak Allah, manusia telah diberi keizinan untuk menggunakannya bagi memperolehi keperluan hidup. Manusia boleh menggunakan semua yang ada di bumi ini menurut peraturan-peraturan yang telah dikemukakan di dalam Al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Oleh sebab itu, alam sekitar adalah satu amanah daripada Allah supaya dipergunakan menurut landasan yang telah ditentukan.
Berdasarkan penjelasan-penjelasan di atas, dapat diperhatikan bahawa akidah mempunyai peranan yang penting ke arah membina pandangan alam yang harmoni terhadap alam sekitar. Pandangan alam seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Islam begitu menitikberatkan hubungan tiga penjuru, iaitu di antara Tuhan, manusia dan alam tabii. Disebabkan pandangan alam ini berkaitan dengan persoalan akidah, maka ia sudah pasti tersemat kukuh di dalam kepercayaan seseorang muslim. Pandangan alam yang harmoni pada diri seseorang muslim sudah pasti mendorongnya bertindak secara berhemah terhadap alam sekitar.
Selain daripada itu, akidah juga memainkan peranan yang penting bagi memupuk falsafah hidup seseorang muslim. Penganut-penganut Islam ditanam dengan kepercayaan bahawa penciptaan alam semesta bukanlah tanpa matlamat tertentu. Penganut-penganut Islam juga diyakinkan bahawa kewujudan mereka sendiri mempunyai matlamat, iaitu untuk menyempurnakan tanggungjawab u’budiyyah, khalifah dan amanah. Mereka mestilah menyempurnakan tanggungjawab-tangungjawab tersebut, yang juga termasuk di dalamnya tanggungjawab memulihara alam sekitar.
-petikan kertas kerja.
Question 2
I am a Christian who is highly interested in Islam, in fact I think it is the TRUE religion of God . My problem is that my parents are staunch Catholics and get furious on seeing the Koran inside our house. I do not wish to displease anyone and at the same time I want to continue with what is best . Please advise me accordingly. Is there a way out of this dilemma? Would appreciate a quick reply.
Praise be to Allaah.
We thank you very much for sending this question to us, and we say to you that your deep interest in Islam is what will make you embrace this religion soon, in sha Allaah (if Allaah wills). Your current attitude is an important step towards entering this religion, which Allaah wants and besides which He accepts no other religion. Your conviction that this is the true religion of Allaah means that you must now take the ultimate step and pronounce the Shahaadatayn (the twin declarations of faith).
When this reply reaches you, go and take a bath (ghusl) and say:
“Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasool-Allaah (I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah).”
Then start to practice the rituals of this great religion, above all the five daily prayers at the appointed times, as Allaah enjoined them.
Know that one of the rules of Islam is that you should love Allaah and His Messenger, and that love for Allaah should take priority over love for anyone else. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allaah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allaah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allaah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqoon (the rebellious, disobedient to Allaah)” [al-Tawbah 9:24]
The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There are three things, whoever attains them will find the sweetness of faith: when Allaah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than everything else; when he loves another person he loves him only for the sake of Allaah; and when he hates to return to Kufr as he would hate to be thrown into the fire.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh, no. 15).
This means that love for Allaah must come before love for one’s parents and any other created being. If there is a conflict between pleasing Allaah and pleasing your parents, then pleasing Allaah must take precedence. In your situation, as you have described it, we advise you to do the following with regard to your parents:
Address them in the best of terms and treat them in the best manner
If they insist that you follow kufr, then conceal your Islam if you fear that you are not able to confront them openly, and pray where they cannot see you
Do not think at all that there is any burden or sin on you if they get angry with you for becoming a Muslim. Remember that when a person pleases Allaah even though it makes people angry, Allaah will be pleased with him and will make the people pleased with him.
Keep on praying for them to be guided and call them to Islam with wisdom and beautiful preaching. Maybe Allaah will guide them through you.
We ask Allaah to help you in this world and the next. Peace be upon those who follow true guidance.